Mystic Scapes
To Play
Drag the tiles until they are in numerical order, left to right, top to bottom.
Choose a different game by tapping on the Next button. Next can be set to Sequential or Random in the Settings. In Settings you can also see which game is the current game and/or select which game you want to be the current game.
Restart your current game by tapping the Restart button.
Sound may be enabled or disabled with the Sound switch in Settings.
One 3x3 and one 4x4 game pack are included with the app. Additional game packs may be purchased in the Store.
The Apple Game Center keeps track of the lowest number of points anyone has scored for each game. If you are logged in to Game Center the Lowest Score for that game will be displayed. Game Center will also be updated with your score.
Position the blank square where it is needed by moving the number tiles.
You can move a row of tiles by moving the back tile in the direction you want to go.